After years of hearing how this game was bad, how this game was a disappointment, I finally bit the bullet, bought a Series X, and played the game. My thoughts?

I kind of loved it?

It's not perfect and it's got a lot wrong. The story is extremely confusing and told poorly, and the environments have no variety art wise, but god damn if this game isn't fun as all hell. The gunplay has been polished to the best its ever been in the franchise. Greatly improving upon 4 and 5's lackluster gunplay and balance, Infinite marches to the beat of its own drum. Not quite Bungie Halo, but not quite old 343 Halo either, the gameplay is extremely fresh, exciting, and fun.

This applies to the multiplayer as well, again being one of the best the franchise has seen in a LONG time. I'd say its my second favorite multiplayer experience behind the legendary Halo 3.

All in all, I really enjoyed my time with this one. The campaign could have used a little bit of a rewrite story wise, and I would have LOVED some other biomes to explore on the Halo ring, like the snowy peaks, swamps, and deserts we saw in past games. In the end, I can't complain, I finally got to play a Halo game that made me feel something again.

Welcome back Chief.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
