This is my first time playing through a Cave STG, or a danmaku game in general, so I honestly had no idea how well I could do with a type of game like this that I already knew beforehand was something that'd be a LOT more intensive than what I'm used to. Surprisingly enough though, Mushihimesama's difficulty, at least on normal difficulty, felt very approachable to someone like me who's completely new to these type of STGs. Which in turn has made Mushihimesama feel VERY addiciting, having already done multiple runs not long after I grabbed this game, and I haven't even delved into the Arrange and Version 1.5 modes yet
All in all, super cool game and I'm especially in love with how it looks and sounds overall. Manabu Namiki and Masaharu Iwata both did an amazing job on the compositions here

Pretty impressed with how the Kiseki series starts here and I'm very eager to see how things unfold in SC, especially with how FC ended things on a pretty heavy note

RF4 is genuinely really good and is one of the most fun RPGs I've played in a good minute, but the Rune Prana dungeon at the very tail end is a gigantic ass wall that I genuinely have zero desire trying to go over right now so I dont think I'll "finish" this game for real anytime soon

This entire trilogy was an absolute masterpiece, and Mask of Truth is an amazing conclusion to this overarching story that had lasted for almost fifteen years
I absolutely adore Haku and I'm gonna miss these game's amazing cast of characters

Playing this port on my PS3 for the first time makes me a bit sad that Daytona 2 and Scud Race never got the same HD rerelease treatment by Sega too

I really wish I knew why Bamco thought it was a good idea to give a reimagining of Ace Combat 2 the "Assault Horizon" branding over here in the West

E.X. Troopers honestly has one of my all time favorite finale segments I've seen in a game. That shit was cool as fuck

This game surprisingly has some batshit insane plot twists

Surprisingly ended up being the most fun 3D platformer I've played so far

I have quite a few conflicting feelings about many aspects of this game, from how it handles its story, setting, OST, gameplay etc. that makes me not like it as much as any of the previous Xenoblade games. But I had a good time with this regardless