The scope of this mod is mindblowing. What concerns the presentation is top notch. It's the gameplay that's shit. It's a hitscan hellscape, there's not enough ammo and you can soft lock yourself out of certain events.

It is very, very rough but manages to be sonewhat fun, but it gets stale after a while

The floor has damage tiles for no fucking reason

The first area looks kinda nice albeit bland. There are mods that are better than this

My first psychological horror point and click game. It's pretty good and it made me discover other good games in the genre

The only thing worth saving is the gore system

It's basically that Doom II mod, Hocus Pocus, but with a price tag

The interface taken straight out of SS does not suffice to save what is a below-average game. Unironically, it's clunkier than the game that inspired it

I don't know what stinks more: myself at 11 who was scared shitless or the game itself?

After playing this game on Utorrent for Android, I became the target of a contract on a hidden darkweb website for hitmen for hire

I've never been able to finish It, but the idea is super cool