I appreciate that this game wanted to distance itself from the other games, but I don't like it nearly as much as 1 and (especially) 4

Originally played this on the PS2 collection. It is a cool, beautiful, and challenging platformer. It should have become a franchise, like a certain blue hedgehog

At least I can beat up Sgarbi

Every country in the world: Captian Hook!

Great game overall, enjoyed the story, even though it feels disjointed. My biggest gripe with it is that it is too short. I also wasn't completely sold on how Catwoman was left hanging upside down for six hours and didn't die for it.

Arkham series prototype. That ladder climbing animation kills me

It feels like a tech demo of something bigger. The movement is perfect tho and the moveset incredible

I wish I didn't remember about this

Porting Donkey Kong Country to the Game Boy was a tough task which didn't end up very well

The game sure has pitfalls in it

It is somewhat pleasant to look at, but it is a shallow, clunky, unfinished game out of the 2000s

Imagine the disappointment when I discovered this wasn't the real thing