155 reviews liked by BlueRay

What can you say, it's a platforming game where the platforming sucks.

Isso aqui é a experiência mais próxima que você vai ter com o filme O Fada do Dente em um jogo

Detroit has one of the best storytelling i have ever seen in videogames, while the gameplay is almost only walking, and QTEs, the choices are the essence of the game and make everything different. Every decision is important and the overall story and characters are great.

I loved this game.

Although at first it doesn't appear all that unique in its gameplay, story, and setting, Days Gone takes a bit of time to develop into an authentic experience that leaves me wanting more because of how good it was. The story is entertaining with great characters and powerful writing, the game world is beautiful and immersive, and the gameplay is fun enough for me to not get bored even once in my 70 hour playthrough.

I'm still holding out hope for Days Gone 2.

É um jogo que cumore um papel de simulador super realista de zumbi intencionalmente ou não. Não é o melhor jogo do estilo, mas está longe de ser algo ruim. O combate furtivo é super divertido, as mecânicas são legais e eu gostei bastante dos personagens e da dublagem e pesar da história não ter me agradado muito, não é o principal aspecto do jogo.

It's good. Somewhat forgettable, but enjoyable in the moment with some interesting ideas.

Well actually i was gonna give this a 2 stars initially but then I started watching Twin Peaks and realized that this is just a 100x terrible version of it and now I hate it



Played on PS5
Playtime: 1 Hour
Play Status: Abandoned
Abandonment Date: March 22nd 2023
No Spoilers

Too Dark, No Joke
Here is another game I abandoned. I don't like abandoning games but first Untitled Goose Game, now this. Not liking it. At least I got to play this a little and did not get motion sickness from it.

2Dark is a horror/stealth game that also requires some strategy. It's also a top down game. Don't imagine a first person or third person gameplay. The story is about a detective that tries to find child kidnappers and kill them.

So far, so good. Well here is the thing. The game just requires too much work. Firstly, controls on console is not easy. So many button presses to do little things. And the game is hard. You have very little ammo so you need to use melee weapons.

But enemies are deadly and they usually have weapons and ammo of course so you need to use stealth. Exploration is also very important because you need to find melee weapons, candy or maybe even ammo if you are lucky.

Candy is used to distract enemies and to guide kids. Yes, here is the really fun part. In every level, you also need to get kids and bring them to the front gate. How fun, right?

I really don't like protecting someone in games. Resident Evil 4 Ashley flashbacks anyone? And by the way, there are 3 kids just in the first level so good luck.

Controls are not good while game is very hard and you also need to protect children? What else? Well, the name of the game. 2Dark. It's probably the best title for a game in a long time because it really is too dark.

This game pulls no punches. And constantly hearing kid screams and crying while sometimes also seeing them getting tortured? That's too much for me. I'm sorry. I don't want to spend my free time with something like that.

If this is what you want though, I can't recommend this enough. It's really really hard, very dark and unpleasant. It pulls no punches and tries it's best to make you uncomfortable. It will make you sweat, I'm sure of that.

But again, just like with most of the games I abandon; it just wasn't for me.

Disrespectful of the player's time, way too much open world fatigue

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