Undertale 2015

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Mr Fischoeder recommended this game on the basis that he somehow "found my little review on Undetale Yellow" and detailed that THIS game, it's inspiration, could be "less damaging to my marriage given I really seem to spare every last detail in these paragraphs." Well Mr. Fischoeder, that's what makes a FUCKING great review, and if I need to mention any unrequited love and/or my failing vital organs I will NEVER hesitate.
My youngest daughter Louise (psychopath) was worryingly distressed that I did not take what she called the "genocide route" in Undetale Yellow and was "more focused on the girls" (untrue + you can't prove it) than fulfilling the role of a merciless stone-faced stabber. I seriously cannot actually justify the murder of anyone in any video game but when this game gives me a specialised cutscene at the end to essentially tell me I suck because of my daughters peer presuring am I actually in the wrong? Is my daughter in the wrong? Didn't have any complications with any organs this time though so there's that I suppose. Wife was a bit concerned though