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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 16, 2022

Platforms Played


First of all, I'm not this big of a TMNT or beat-em ups fan,
but this game is one of the best if not the best beat-em up out there. Firstly, the game feels fun to play and the combos aren't that hard to remember, the characters feel balanced and each one is fun to play just like the other one. The enemy designs are also pretty cool as well and fit the level themes very well (especially the bosses), speaking of levels they look absolutely gorgeous and have so many little details in them. The music is also composed by the amazing Tee Lopes so expect some bangers outta that. The game is also so much fun with your friends and I recommend playing the game with your friends together through the game, definitely makes the games better. Now my problems with my game is that it got some glitches, although I only encountered a few, they would crash the game and even make it unplayable.
That aside the game is amazing and the best beat-em up I've ever played, I highly recommend it for those who like beat-em ups and for those who want a fun game to play when you get some friends over. 9/10