I went into this game expecting Ori and The Blind Forest but again and was immediately surprised by how different and distinct this game was from its predecessor. It swaps out and adds in a ton of new mechanics, as well as takes a shift in focus away from the difficult platforming and ever expansive exploration of The Blind Forest. Instead this game is all about the combat and puzzles. Though some of the “new” mechanics are seemingly lifted from Hollow Knight, it has its own unique flair and feel that matches the bright and magical setting. Just like the first game I really can’t find an objective flaw in the whole game. I will note that I found it to be significantly easier than the first game (I almost never failed even the escape sequences). Though I’m not really sure if that’s a difference in level design, if Ori’s moveset is that much more broken now, or if I personally have gotten that much better at platforming since I played the first game. The game also ran stunningly well on the Nintendo Switch, with only a few noticeable longer load times holding it back. Visual and Sound just as awesome as the first game if not even more so. This game is the complete package. 10/10

This game is just too damn long