I felt like I had to play 3 of the 'big' PS4 exclusives this year - Horizon, Spider-Man and God of War.

I have loved all of them - worth the hours and hours of exploration, crafting, combat etc.

I'm pleased that GoW is notably different to the other 2. It's incredibly well polished, looking and sounding as good as anything I've played on this generation.

What surprised me most - in a good way - is the story and the characters here, particularly Kratos and Atreus and the relationship between the two. It's not easy to forget about the 2 dimensional lead role of the PS2/PS3 games but here, he's infinitely better and it helps the journey massively - I felt like there was something worthwhile from the very beginning here, aside from 'slay anything that moves'.

Combat is fun, if a little too nerfed at the beginning which requires a very steep learning curve but as you collect upgrades etc, the strategies you incorporate means it's a lot more than a button mashing hack and slash.

Although I have completed the campaign mode, I've not quite finished with GoW yet because I want to play more side quests and collect more items. Purely because it's just great fun. One of the most fun games I've played this year.


Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
