Titanfall 2 is better than good, it is brilliant. In a generation of futuristic FPS games which muscle-laden protagonists, if you judge a book by it's cover, there doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary here. This opinion changes pretty soon into the campaign mode, as it's clear that Respawn have dedicated a lot of time to some interesting game mechanics and level design that deviate away from the bog standard norm for the genre.

Story-wise, there's not too much to write home about. Planetary war, big mechs called Titans can be piloted and introduced to the action alongside aforementioned military grunts, big industrial complexes, decent array of weapons etc etc. But by crikey, the gunplay is tremendous and piloting the Titans themselves a particular highlight.

I'll be honest - I got really sick of lacklustre campaign modes in the likes of CoD which relied on bombastic set pieces which tried to distract from the fact that they were wholly unoriginal and linear experiences. Respawn's Titanfall 2 campaign never has you doing one particular thing for too long. The variety is refreshing and on occasions, very surprising.

When you first pilot your Titan, I did hope that I wouldn't have to disengage with it and return to the human-only levels because it's an absolute blast to use. The subsequent disappointment I felt at being separated again from my Titan - BT (who is an outstanding character in his own right) - was quickly alleviated due to the excellent level design and game mechanics. Without spoiling too much, some of these sections were amongst the best in the whole game. Wall running plays a huge part from the very beginning and this becomes very satisfying once you get used to it.

It probably isn't spoiling too much to mention the level that sees you in your Titan battling other Titans on the battlefield - this too is an absolute treat. There are various loadouts for your Titan, though I preferred the original option - but it's fun to experiment with the different weaponry. You are able to change this loadout at any time which is great for trying things out.

Titanfall 2 isn't a very long game, but that really isn't a problem. At around 8 hours, it's a short campaign but it's perfectly weighted throughout in terms of variety, length and doesn't even feel bloated or padded. I didn't particularly care much for the story which has been seen and done before, but the methods such as wall running, double jumping, piloting your Titan and the stuff I can't spoil herein mean that you really won't care about the actual story behind it all. The relationship between your pilot and BT is spot on too - some genuinely funny dialogue thrown in for good measure.

I didn't expect to enjoy Titanfall 2 as much as I did, but the time FLEW by. It seems odd to have left this untouched for a couple of years only to finish the campaign in a single sitting but it's addictive and fantastic fun to play. One of the best single player FPS campaigns of recent years? I'd have to say yes - I can't think of a better one off the top of my head and it's the most I've been gripped by a campaign mode in a game of this genre since the first Halo all those years ago.

The fact this is on Game Pass now via EA Play makes it an essential title to try out.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2022
