2 reviews liked by Bophadese

What do we choose to pass on to new generations? How do we choose the context that is passed down? Who do we choose to pass the information on? Is there more to life than this? Who are we without content and context?

This game is nuts and I mean that in the best way possible. From the story, gameplay, and overall presentation this game is crazy!

The story is truly something very special. The risk this game took to be a meta narrative on the series and legacy that it had garnered is incredible. A lot of terminally online people probably wouldn't be prepared for the message this game carries. The internet is a dangerous place. The fact that we can be carried into rabbit holes of misinformation that is so easily accessible for anyone to find is scary. I'm not sure if it's necessarily right for someone to say what should and shouldn't be allowed to be posted into the ether for anyone to read and interpret, but I don't believe most people will do their due diligence of cross referencing and sincerely proving something is truth. As we enter the age of AI and easily created deepfakes, we are entering a disinformation age where truth won't matter and it will be vibes deciding what is the context for the data. Maybe it's always been like this, and truth has been dead since the beginning.

On a lighter note, the gameplay is great and large step over the first Metal Gear Solid. The controls are much tighter and I didn't feel like I was even doing something I didn't want to do for the most part, the crawling sometimes was annoying and I kept getting A confused for climb up (too much Uncharted and Shadows of Mordor/War has trained my brain to smash the A button at all times when on a ledge). I really enjoyed every boss fight in this, with the last two really being the stand outs. Flighting a bunch of RAYs is pretty fucking sick and fighting on top of a building that I see almost every day going to work is pretty sick.

The style of this game is sick as hell. I love all the cheesy slow-motion shots in the cutscenes, mixture of live footage and photos throughout the game, and the just cinematography in general was great. While the story is deadly serious the characters and dialogue make it a treat to experience. Everything is so over the top and is delivered with so much seriousness that it makes it hilarious. If it didn't have this humor, it really would be a slog to play through since the cutscenes are so long.

Why a 4.5 though? I'm not sure. I think I would need to play through this again for it to break the barrier. Maybe it's that I was on my phone during some of the cutscenes. Who knows. Maybe it's GW in my head again.

Can love bloom on the Battlefield?


Is it more about loving oneself, accepting your genes, and overcoming fate to live your life by your own means?


Funny that I played two games in a row about overcoming family stuff. This with the added nuclear threat looming over head. Wild that in 2024 nuclear war is still on the table from multiple sources and neuralink feeling a little too close to us getting nanomachines being put in our bodies. Kojima is a little too hot on the button.

Really the story is pretty great in this. The themes of understanding our own genes to uncover truths of our past and to not let them control our fate is pretty beautiful and woven in well with the conspiracies and nuclear paranoia. Also the voice acting was also pretty great. It's nice that not everything in the game is extremely serious. Some of the lines in this are so goofy it's amazing. It made the long cutscenes very enjoyable (it's fun to go back to this game see that Kojima has not changed with the long cutscenes and that he's made them longer. Very cool to see his progression as director and the film inspiration on the direction of the cutscenes). I love all of the 4th wall breaks in the game. Psycho mantis shaking the controller was my favorite, mad me laugh like a maniac.

The gameplay also holds up surprisingly well despite the sometimes janky controls. The sneaking was good albeit kind of easy with being able to see exactly what every camera and enemy could see. It was fun to figure out the puzzles, googled some stuff lol, and the boss fights were all pretty enjoyable.

Excited for mgs2 and learn what all the memes are about.