I didn't finish it, but I came very close to the end. I don't know where all this deep writing people talk of is. If it's somehow all stuck behind the endings, that's bad. What I saw of the writing was very mediocre and didn't lead anywhere. Many characters have no purpose to exist. I also don't buy the "lots of hidden symbolism" thing because it genuinely feels like SH2 fans online thought far deeper than the actual writers did.

And, unlike the first game, it was either great fun or really boring gameplay wise. Has some amazing areas but some which are absolute snoozefests. Not even talking in regards to the horror factor. Many areas just were really bland. The amazing areas make up for it, but I prefer how Silent Hill 1 was more consistent in terms of keeping my attention.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024


3 months ago

You have every right not to like the game but I strongly invite you to give a second chance and finish the game. Then go to see the making of and videos analysis of the game. I have not had the same experience of the game as you so I can not fully understand but I seriously invite you to give a second chance.

3 months ago

I appreciate your recommendation, but I dropped the game at least half a year ago. Might as well start over by now. And I doubt much will change in probably the last area for my opinion to change much. I also don't care for making of videos and analysis videos even for media I really enjoy. I wouldn't spend hours on top when I didn't care much for the game to begin with.

3 months ago

It’s ok then, thank you for reading my comment and have a good day or evening ! (I do not know when you will see my comment)

3 months ago

You have a good day too! I'm always glad to see people liking media and wanting people to give it another shot.