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2 days

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January 3, 2024

First played

December 30, 2023

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If I had a nickel for everytime I played the GameCube version of a 1998 game that's considered inferior to the original but still decent, I'd have two nickels (three if half life 1 came to the system).

So a little backstory: I got this in 2017 but I didn't click with it right away for me and there were other games I was playing that interested me more going into 2018. After a brief bit in 2022 I decided that this would be the year I'd truly play it.

Where to begin: First off the I found the controls were a bit off initially. I got used to it and enjoyed it more
from Gray Fox onwards but It's something that I'd probably enjoy better gameplay wise on a repeated playthrough. Fun bosses and level design though some of the backtracking with the key device near the end bored me a little
The story is entertaining and though the added over the top matrix moves and dramatic camera zooms were unnecessary it didn't affect my investment in the story. Getting to experience the well known moments like Psycho Mantis and the disc swapping was fun.

While I wish I hadn't neglected playing this fully years ago I'm glad I've gotten to play it now since I'm at an age where I'd fully appreciate it (similar feeling with Breaking Bad).

Looking back, I'm kinda surprised how little MGS has appeared on Nintendo platforms since Twin Snakes. You'd think with Solid Snake's inclusion in Smash Bros they would have considered porting Sons of Liberty to Wii. And if Wii U 3rd party support wasn't so weak Phantom Pain might have worked on it.
And yeah once I see the hd collection on 360 damn well I'm gonna buy it.