Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

February 23, 2023

First played

February 16, 2023

Platforms Played


GoldenEye 007 is a game that piqued my interest for a pretty long time for a handful of reasons. I've heard this game constantly being referred to as one of the greatest FPS games of all time as well as one of the greatest games ever made. Because of this, its influence on the FPS genre & video games as a whole, and me being the Rare fanboy I am, I decided to finally give GoldenEye 007 a try. When I finally did, I ended up being rather disappointed by it all in the end.

The first thing that made me realize right off the bat this may not be what I was expecting was the objective-based missions for each level. Given its a James Bond game its pretty fitting, but going around trying to figure out what to do before the end of each level just bothered me, especially when I would technically beat the level but still have to do it all over again because I missed something. Something I feel I should clarify is I beat it on Secret Agent difficulty. This issue likely wouldn't be as prevalent if I played Agent difficulty, but whenever I play games I always prefer to play on the normal difficulty and I wasn't changing that tradition for this game. The level design is pretty hit or miss. There are some levels that I thought were fine like the first level, the cave, and the final level, but then there were parts where I wanted to permanently delete the game off my Series X and never play it again with levels such as Control, Bunker 2, and Train. Switching through your weapons feels slower than most other games and for the type of game that GoldenEye 007 is, that isn't good. It's pretty slow in the first two DOOM games but it is usually a bit more tolerable in those because generally you are given more space to move and they have more of a focus on moving around to avoid enemies.

The only other positive thing I can really mention besides the amount of influence this game had on the gaming industry is the multiplayer. It's been a pretty long while since I have played it but I played it at a friend's house once and I remember it being pretty decent. Overall, the game as a whole was a mixed bag for me. I tried to enjoy it but at the end of the day, I couldn't help but feel that it didn't live up to the expectations that I built for it. I do plan on playing Perfect Dark sometime in the near future so I hope that one will be a more enjoyable adventure from Rare Ltd.