Donkey Kong 64 was one of the several noteworthy games that remained in my backlog for over 10 years. Because of that, I would say this game and a handful of others that I have and haven't reviewed yet were all a part of the key reason I made my Backloggd account. In my previous playthrough, I made it all the way up to the final world in K. Rool's lair where you were the amount of time you had to beat it depended on the amount of blueprints you collected. By the time I wanted to tackle it, I somehow forgot how to do all of the kongs' moves. Ultimately, it lead to me dropping the game. I did try to start over from scratch a few times, but I never was able to commit until I decided to beat it this year. I enjoyed it, but compared to Rare's other collect-a-thons, this one probably has the most issues.

It plays like all of Rare's other platformers where your purpose in playing is to collect a plethora of different items spread across 8 different worlds, but some of the collectibles have slightly different functions compared to Banjo-Kazooie. The golden bananas are just like your jiggys or stars, but the different colored bananas scattered around the level serve as a means to access the boss for each world which also plays a necessary role in getting to the next world alongside the golden bananas since you get a key for defeating each boss. It all sounds pretty simple, but the problem is that you aren't just playing as one character like Mario or Banjo. In Donkey Kong 64, you play 5 different characters including DK, Diddy, Tiny, Lanky, and Chunky Kong. In most cases, it's pretty cool to have a roster that big in a platformer. However, the approach Rare took in adding more characters is what is this game's biggest flaw, bloat.

Each and every kong have their own colored bananas to collect and objectives to do. The placement of a lot of where these collectibles are located will lead to a copious amount of backtracking. Another big issue that also amplifies the backtracking problem is that most of the worlds are just too big. It's fairly easy to get lost and even with teleportation pads, getting to some locations can still be rather time-consuming. Speaking of time-consuming, getting 100% in this game requires double the amount of golden bananas needed to regularly beat the game. Given how much you have to backtrack for the colored bananas and numerous golden bananas I would never do it since I'm not a madman. I salute those bold enough to 100% this game.

Personally, I still enjoyed the game a lot despite it being very flawed and straight-up inferior in comparison to Rare's other platformers. Their ambitions with this title were pretty expansive, but ultimately they bit off a little more than they could chew in some areas. If you're a diehard collect-a-thon fan and willing to put up with the repetitive parts of the game I'd still recommend it. If DK64 seems like too much, then I'd stick to something shorter and better-paced like Banjo-Kazooie.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023


11 months ago

The backtracking is overblown imo but it is still REALLY bad in Gloomy Galleon.

11 months ago

^ this wouldn't even be fixed if you used the "tag anywhere" mod/patch.

11 months ago

"I salute those bold enough to 100% this game."

Thank you for the appreciate. 10 year old me had way more dedication than I do... Or maybe it was the fact I only owned like 3 games on my N64 and it was play more DK64 or nothing else.

11 months ago

@Bojangles4th I remember it being pretty bad in that one. Luckily, I only had 10 more golden bananas left so I didn't have to put up with it too much, but it was still noticeable compared to most of the other worlds.

@CmdrZander You're welcome! Still takes mad dedication to fully complete.

11 months ago

@BrightGalaxy Appreciate this review a lot. The game is still too big and backtracky at times, yes, and some of the minigames suck, but I think it’s mostly carried by a lot of character, vibes and the fact that you can skip half the collectibles and still reach credits. Admittedly I did actually 100% this game but that was on emulator, on official hardware I’d probably be fine with the 100 Bananas and general exploration.

In a way, the game sort of feels like a precursor to a lot of modern open world things with a surplus of collectibles and big. While I don’t love the sections with a very “house with five entrances” design, a lot of the individual challenges I do think are appreciably distinct for tailoring to all the abilities each character has.

If Nintendo’s main team wanted a second shot at DK in 3D I’d be pretty curious how it would be tailored.

11 months ago


Gloomy Galleon probably has the worst instance of the “house with 5 entrances” design in the game given that the pads are on a pretty isolated area and you have to deal with changing the water level. Most of the others at least had a tag barrel nearby and no extra condition required.

10 months ago

The commenters are right, Gloomy Galleon is the low point, but I love that you ended up enjoying this game in 2023. I played it in 2000 so it's near and dear to my heart, but I had no idea if newcomers would be able to get into it. The Super Switch 2 needs to launch with DK65!!

10 months ago

@thealexmott I hope so. I've been hoping for years that Nintendo will finally get around to making another 3d Donkey Kong.