Just a crazy good time every time I play it. It's addictive, fast-paced taxi-driving action that should be in every arcade. Definitely one of the best games Sega has made.

A good racing game, but not my favorite one. There is a lot going for it though. For starters, its the first kart racer to give you the option between car, plane, or hovercraft which other games would eventually follow in later years. It has a really solid story mode with a cool world to explore. Crash Team Racing had one too, but Diddy Kong Racing has the better story mode. My main gripe with this game is the physics aren't as good as Crash Team Racing and it is generally slower than both Mario Kart & CTR. Besides the physics which knock the game down a couple of points, this is a game that was ahead of its time in a few ways and does far more good than bad.

Ironically enough, before hearing about this game's existence I didn't care much for anime but thought this game looked really cool. Despite having introduced me to One Piece, my all-time favorite anime, and also broaden my horizons to several others, it didn't stop me from expressing my distaste for it when I finally got the game. After starting the game, I got bored within 30 minutes. The 4 story modes are practically identical to one another and the game gets repetitive very quickly and feels somewhat janky at times. There are some anime brawlers that improve over this game, but the genre as a whole just doesn't work or at the very least needs a rehaul. Besides having a decent roster and a few sentimental ties to this game, it really isn't that good and there are much better fighting games out there.

A remake of Pokémon Yellow that is inferior to the original. You catch Pokémon the same way you do in Go which isn't terrible but isn't as good as catching them the old-fashioned way. The graphics are ugly and the game seemed a bit too easy compared to the original version. Maybe it was Pokémon fatigue but unlike Yellow, I got bored halfway into the game. It eventually got to the point where it felt like a chore to finish it. A bad remake not worth wasting your time with, play the original instead.

An average RPG pretty faithful to the original source material. The intro that plays as you boot up the game and the remastered cutscenes of various iconic moments were pretty cool. However, this game is the definition of mediocre, the areas in most parts of the game look dull and boring and the combat eventually gets stale after a while. Also, Jaya & Skypeia are missing in this game for some reason when pretty much every other pre-time skip arc is in this game. It's still a passable game for One Piece fans but there are much better RPGs and One Piece games out there.

Basically the same as the console version, but slightly worse. A few of the assists can kill you even if you're the one summoning them (Amazing game design devs!). Since Smash 3ds is a thing, there really isn't a reason to play this unless you're a big fan of classic Cartoon Network or/and are curious to play this Smash clone.

A good remaster of a Ps2 classic that's a fun, goofy title. It's a bit short but I had fun rolling up everything around me. The soundtrack is also really good, I still listen to a handful of the songs from this game. The final level is also pretty epic. Namco made a good choice remastering this.

There are a lot of outdated memes but this game is still a blast to play with friends. The jukebox that plays songs from YT while you play the game is also a neat addition that enhances the experience. Also, can this game stop paring me up with Santa Claus, Frankenstein, and the ugly dog every time I go upstairs in the saloon or visit the brothel!?

One of my favorite platformers alongside Banjo-Kazooie & the Mario Galaxy games. However, I don't think it's as good as the aforementioned games. While the game still has its funny moments, some of the game's humor has not aged well and there are parts where the controls flat-out suck. That being said, it still is a solid platformer loaded with references to famous movies and a surprisingly good message at the end. Finding an original copy of this game can be hard to come by so if you're interested in playing it then I would either pick up the Rare Replay collection or emulate it.

Just a really fun competitve game that's always a chill expirence every time I boot it up. The variety of different modes gives the game more longevity and it is just addictive. The variety of costumes is another plus, while the list of guest costumes is certainly growing there are ones that I would not imagine being picked such as Terry Bogard or Toejam & Earl. The best part of all is that it is now free, so you can enjoy this game by yourself or with your friends and not have to pay a dime. Good luck with getting wins!

My favorite Smash game that adds every character and nearly every stage and more. It improves upon the gameplay of Smash 4 by once again speeding up the game a little. The new roster additions were pretty good and by the end of the DLC passes, I got both of the characters I wanted and more. While it does have more single-player content than Smash 4, World of Light isn't quite on the same level as Subspace Emissary. They also replaced trophies in this game with spirits which I'm slightly peeved about but can understand why they make the choice to get rid of them. While I haven't gotten them all, spirit collecting is still a fun challenge. Like pretty much any other Smash game, its best when played with friends. I have spent many hours playing with friends or other people online or at other places. The biggest gripe I have ironically enough is the online. When the connection isn't perfect, playing the game online is absolutely miserable. However, when I don't have connection issues its quite fun. Out of all the other games on the Switch, this one is easily my favorite and the best possible conclusion to Smash (for now).

The better version of Smash 4 in my opinion. Smash Run is a blast to play through and this one has better stages than Smash Wii U. Getting all of the trophies is significantly easier in this game than in any other Smash game as this is the only game where I have been able to do so. In terms of features that both versions have, customization for the most part is fairly shallow but for the amount of time it would take to really expand upon it, it works and is satisfactory. The physics in both versions are noticeably faster than Brawl which is an improvement because while I enjoyed playing Brawl there were times when the game did feel a bit floaty. For the first portable Smash game, this game is definitely an impressive feat for what the 3ds is capable of.

Between the two versions this one was my least favorite but I still had a lot of fun with it. 8 player Smash is a bit limited in this one, but its a cool new feature exclusive to this version. Smash Tour is another exclusive mode to Wii U. It obviously isn't as good as Smash Run but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get at least some enjoyment out of playing it. Also RIP Ice Climbers, I wish they were able to be included in this entry of Smash.

I do not at all care for this game's competitive scene nor can I do the glitchy tech that competitive players do, but from a casual standpoint it has a good amount of single-player content. It has the best version of the target tests, a bunch of cool, unique trophies to unlock, a handful of modes and a few minigames, a roster twice the size of the original game, a bunch more stages, and the classic & adventure modes are enjoyable modes to play through. Compared to Smash 64, it's a big step up, but compared to Brawl and other later installments I'd say it isn't quite as good. It still excels in some aspects compared to them though such as having the best trophies and target tests.