As i'm playing this game more and more im liking it less and less.
I dont know what happened, maybe its the generic world and the story that i wasn't able to find myself engaged with it, maybe its the characters who i cannot relate to, but its a Diablo game so the gameplay and making builds and looting is the reason we play it, right?
Even with that im finding myself getting bored quickly, i'll sit with my friends for like 2 hours before i give up and make excuses and leave, its just boring, the skills and the enemies are not really interesting for me, maybe i outgrew this genre and this game, i really dont know, because i used to love playing Diablo 2.
I wish i could enjoy this game more, but modern Blizzard games feel soulless to me, they lack that spark that i used to like about them in the late 90's early 00s, where i could sit for hours playing them, now i just launch Diablo IV, play some dungeons, get extremely bored quickly and leave, i even started skipping side quests, i guess i just dont care anymore about this game.
Maybe its the fact that im playing better games alongside it, i really enjoyed TotK, maybe that has something to do with it, maybe its me growing up, maybe the game is really mediocre, i just dont know right now, but i can't keep my previous positive review, i enjoyed my first days with it, but now near the midgame, i just lost the interest, i feel robbed i wish i had waited for sale, but friends and hype got me, lol.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023


10 months ago

It's curious how someone points out these aspects of characters that they can't connect with. I haven't started the game yet, but reading that already worries me. I find it amazing how the franchise managed to make you feel like the actual character, even though you could choose your character class. If they failed at that, it's a problem.
Interestingly, I also played a lot of Diablo 2 but was never able to finish it because I was very young at the time and found it quite challenging.

10 months ago

You rule.

9 months ago

I think whether they failed or not is probably subjective, but for me they did, the game has good presentation still, and its well optimized.

Thank you <3

9 months ago

I see... Right now, I'm playing the remaster of Diablo II, which brings back a lot of childhood memories. Once I finish it, I want to play IV to better understand what you're talking about.