It’s kind of crazy that I ended up playing this right after finishing Silent Hill 2. I have yet to play another game that feels as close of a survival horror successor and a straight up contender to the crown of not only best survival horror game, but most disturbing and thought provocative horror game ever.

An experience that isn’t just expertly crafted from a gameplay and structure perspective, where every encounter felt purposeful, tense and dangerous, and it manages to avoid being obtuse in it’s puzzle and exploration design. It’s also beautiful in terms of writing and thematic nuance, every artistic element is just perfectly pitched in this truly haunting way, where as I was saying, its only match right now is Silent Hill 2. A game I’ll surely return to, a game that I won´t forget about easily, a game that should have way more eyes on it and that will be remembered as an all time classic.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
