In terms of art design, environment design, and just overall graphical fidelity it’s an impeccable work of art. In terms of gameplay, it’s an exceedingly frustrating experience. It’s an experience that really needs to be streamlined and focused on what works. The addition of half baked gameplay systems like combat and puzzles feel added because they are things people expect out of videogames rather than being stuff that the team felt should be there and would enhance the gameplay experience. Combat is straight up terrible, and best avoided when possible, and even when it should be possible to avoid these encounters hit boxes tend to work in such a way where this avoidance isn´t even possible. Puzzles range from extremely obtuse to mind numbingly stupid, there is no real in between there. Same happens with exploration, some levels are extremely confusing to traverse through, while most are just linear hallways that look gnarly. The only consistent aspect of the game is how fucking gnarly it is. The gore and just crazy shit that you’ll be looking at all the time is what made push ahead and reach credits. If it wasn´t for that and for the mercifully short length, I would have quit and uninstalled plenty of times before.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024
