A lot of great individual ideas that are sadly brought down by the full product.

The artstyle is incredible, with its beautiful pixelated sprites. The weapons might be the most unique I've seen in a boomer shooter, with every weapon being really fun to use.

However, the overall game is not that great. A hub-map that is incredibly slow to traverse; a shop level that you need to backtrack to, then when you're in the level you still have to travel a good bit to the actual shop area; the story is quite non-existent, with the ending literally just being a note popped up on the screen with no payoff or any sense of reward for completing; the collectibles require items from the shop that you can't get until you're halfway through the game, requiring backtracking in order to buy some of the endgame items; the soundtrack is not bad, but nothing special that I'd listen to outside of the game; a Unity load screen between doing anything that removes immersion; no save points, but instead vita-chambers from Bioshock, so death has no downsides.

I still completed the game, as all of these issues I mentioned don't make the game unplayable in any way, but it just brings down the experience. Everything this game does just feels like it's done better in DUSK.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
