3 reviews liked by BuraKKu

visuals, art direction, and performance were amazing. gunplay was very good, though the sword and arm abilities are a bit jank

Hey unpopular opinion here , but the length of this game actually suits it !
Yes yes its shorter than a frickin tech demo, has a fair bit of janky control at times, but if you ignore the length and the rare jank and just enjoy the fast paced fun ride , this is actually pretty cool.
Also it has to be said its a very very gorgeous game crafted carefully by ONE developer!
I dont care about the intentional s*xual skins section as the gameplay does not reference it and is just a very fast paced fun FPS that you can finish off in 2 hours. The game also is surprisingly challenging and engaging , and the gunplay itself is jank free and crisp.
Ofcourse there is no worthwhile story to speak off but the mechanics and beauty carry this short and sweet game that would have worn out its welcome if it was any longer.
I think its worth trying in its current state as a shut your mind and have fun for 2 hours option

It's mindless fun with very little plot. Good gunplay and abilities.