1 Review liked by Burty_botts

i played this for about 10 hours. i wanted to try and at least finish the story before dropping a score but dear god this game is boring as fuck. i'm patient when it comes to slow openings if i can see the vision. i even enjoyed fallout 4 quite a bit despite it's flaws because it still had that cozy feel i like about bethesda games. but starfield is just loading screen after loading screen. you warp to a planet, drop off at the quest marker, kill some guys, warp again. there's nothing of value to explore. the game is ugly, runs like shit, and the quests are boring. the gun play is solid but that's about it. I don't like comparing games in reviews, but in a year with bg3 and cyberpunk 2.0, starfield is so unremarkable. hell, even day one cyberpunk was more fun than this. i know 10 hours isn't alot but another 30 hours of loading screens doesn't sound appealing.