This is the return of the long dormant franchise we’ve been waiting to see more of? This is the new era of Silent Hill? God, I had my reservations about Konami’s new push into bringing back the franchise, but there was an inkling of hope they’d get it right, at least somewhat. Consider those hopes dashed now, all thanks to this poor excuse of a web-series with an iterative monetization model that takes from, of all fucking games, Fortnite. Pay up, get the founder pass, and as episodes drop you’ll get the opportunity to paste a, um… “It’s Trauma!” sticker on the post board. Thank you Konami, you never fail to impress with the new lows you’re willing to go. Having Bloober Team take the reigns was questionable enough but SH2R has got to be their Hail Mary. Everything is riding on that game and if it’s anything less than GREAT you done fucked it up. Good luck!

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2023


6 months ago

Call me pessimistic, but I don’t think Konami can bank on the SH2 remake receiving any positive reception from the community at all. Like, it could end up being a legitimately good game, but the internet has already decided that it’s going to be bad so it’s just going to get review bombed and slammed everywhere the second it launches either way. Townfall and f are the only hope now.

6 months ago

Naw g, that assessment is totally fair. I’m still open to being taken aback once the game arrives since I’m not as much of a stickler for the nitty-gritty details of SH2 as its fanbase is, being more of a fan of the first game and more invested in the cult story that SH3 continued. Preserving the core of the original is paramount but as long as they’re mindful about it, creative license can be taken and I’d be okay with it. RE2 was Capcom Division 1 and that game had questionable design decisions that didn’t carry over from the original, so I can at least sympathize with people who are scared Bloober could fuck it up.