Contrary to what it says on the entry, I have in fact, NOT finished the game at the time of writing. It just felt appropriate to talk about the game at this rate. I’m on day six now, making steady track, but the main save file got corrupted and I held off playing it for weeks to figure out what to do.

From what I can glean it was probably that the XML file for the game was missing the root element. I can’t use console commands to find out though, and even if I could I’m not well versed enough in coding language to do that on my own. This forced me to just delete it and load a save from two days prior, which set me back.

This port sucks, and I really need to invest in new parts for my PC soon to play on that instead. But now it’s kinda okay, as if nothing happened or will happen again, hopefully. The game itself is essentially the original refined with quality of life and I’m loving every minute of it. Just as thought-provoking and enrapturing.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
