Stylistically, Suda51 is a master in his own right.
I have to clearly separate gameplay and story/presentation. Suda manages to make the protagonist Travis Touchdown seem cool, but also like the loser he is. The mechanic of having to pay a fee for each fight against the 10 assassins by earning money with boring mini-jobs is great. They are not fun, but that's the point. It shows perfectly how boring his everyday life is, when he is not fighting to prove himself.
The fighting itself is a bit clunky with a gamepad. It seems a bit more intuitive to control with a Wiimote.. Also, their implementation, such as the recharge motion or the Wiimote as a cell phone, fit the basic style of the game very well. In the end, fighting was simply the means to an end to get to the next cutscene.
The story/presentation with its over the top violence, juvenile humor, and familiar troupes that borrow heavily from pulpy American B-movies is clearly the highlight here for me. Garnished with Sudas wackiness, No More Heroes becomes an entertaining overall package.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023
