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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a very very very fantastic game. Phenomenal even. But there are so many things in this game that just kill it for me, making it hard to give it a full 10/10.

Great stuff:
The peaks. This game had insanely high peaks and from Chapters 6-10 I was hooked.
The main cast and honestly all of the characters. Such a great group and I loved all of their interactions. Really made me appreciate the heart to hearts. And don't even get me started on Torna, Jin is my GOAT.
The general plot. Amazing plot yet again from Xeno and I love love love how it heavily ties back to Blade 1. I was flipping out when Klaus showed up and also when Malos got his Monado. Amazing shit.
The combat (mid/late game). When the combat picks up, IT PICKS UP. It felt so rewarding to hit driver combos and chain attacks. Double Spinning Edge supremacy.

Alright stuff:
The environments. I felt like overall the environments were pretty neat but I much prefer the places from Blade 1.
Combat (any other time). It just feels... eh? Not bad but not exactly great.

Bad stuff:
FIELD SKILL CHECKS. These honestly wouldn't have been as bad if I didn't have to switch out my blades to do them!!! It's so fuckin annoying!!!
FANSERVICE. The fanservice at its worse in this game is unbearable. Specifically Chapter 2's and Chapter 4's. That shit made me uncomfy and really question the merit of the game.
THE LOWS. Even though this game has insanely high peaks, it has even lower lows. There were some parts that just made me so upset (refer to above fanservice section) that it just made me want to stop playing.
SLOW BURN. The early game (Chapters 1-4) of this game drags hard. There were so many pointless things in the main quest. Why the fuck did I have to go help some kids??? I don't care about some random children!!! I'm personally not the biggest fan of slow burns regardless so it really just added to it.

Overall, Xenoblade 2 is a fucking awesome awesome game. The peaks are so insanely peak but the lows are so low that it kind of counteracts it. I really liked this game a lot though and I'm very excited to get to Torna and Blade 3. :3

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
