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17 hrs ago

cowboyjosh finished Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
This one didn't hit nearly as hard for me as the first one did. Senua has experienced genuine character growth after the experiences of the first game, which is exactly how it should be (and something a LOT of other series could learn from). But her struggles are now primarily external rather than internal. She is more assertive and confident. The voices in her head no longer torment her and are now relegated to a largely expositional role.

If Senua is going to have a Saga, though, this is a logical next step. She is now on a journey toward being a mythic hero, but not because she is abnormally strong or because she has a magic sword (the titular weapon doesn't even appear in this entry). Her heroism comes from her inner strength; she has persisted through innumerable personal trials and has become a better person for it. Her most significant acts of bravery in this game aren't the hulking baddies she defeats in combat or the physical toll she endures; it's how she interacts with other people.

Trust and empathy are the themes here and they are her most important tools. Her perseverance through her own mental and emotional struggles and the social alienation they caused has given her enormous savvy in reading and understanding other people. I'm reminded of Stranger in a Strange Land and the grok concept: "Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed – to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience." I'm also reminded of the stereotype of children of alcoholics being deeply aware of the moods and feelings of others because growing up, empathy was a survival skill. This is Senua's greatest power and, if we get a third entry, I suspect will make her an exceptional leader.

It's due to these themes that the eye-popping visual fidelity on display here feels like more than just flexing graphics for graphics' sake. The acting is superb, and the unprecedented detail in the character models makes emotional beats really stick the landing. I mean look at this shit. That's just a random shot from normal gameplay, not a cutscene or anything (okay I did add a light source in front of dude's face, but still, how many photo modes let you add light sources?).

There are occasions when the level of detail actually introduces hitherto-unseen manifestations of uncanniness. Senua's idle animation I found particularly disturbing, as her eyes kind of dart around and never really settle on anything in the environment. To be fair, most of the gameplay is spent looking at her back, but I was constantly whipping the camera around because everything looks so damn good.

The first game hit me, I think more than most, on a particularly personal level. This one didn't so much, but overall I was fine with that. For one thing it made it a lot more fun; there were several moments where I was cheering like "Yeah! Go get em girl!" whereas playing the first game was mostly weeping and whispering "Oh my god; please, please find a way to get better." Well she's much better now, and while her journey is now hewing closer to a traditional action-adventure, the emotional and interpersonal through-lines are just as strong, if not stronger, with the inclusion of other characters. This feels like Senua coming into her own, and I really hope we get a third entry to see what else she's capable of.

18 hrs ago

cowboyjosh published a list The Hoots

4 Games

18 hrs ago

19 hrs ago

cowboyjosh commented on FallenGrace's review of The Surge 2
That’s really interesting; I’ve seen these on sale but based on the title (entirely, I guess?) I assumed it was Yet Anothr Zombie Shooting game. I might have to pick one of them up next time they’re cheap. Good review!

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