This orange little rat and his big, cheeky grin puts me at ease!

Simple, funny game. Loved the designs for the costumes when they go into the battles. Recommended for any Halloween enthusiast.

That bit when she turned into a shadow was pretty good. Janky though.

I like the ideas and art of this game, but if I'm being real it's a bit shite. Not a terrible time mind you, enjoyable enough.

When it plays fine, it's fine. When it's not trying too hard it can be funny. Unfortunately tries way to hard to be funny for me. Overall it's some fine cringe.

Love how Batman punched that one guy. Can't wait for the next game where he punches another guy.

Just about as good as the film it's based on.

It's definitely a puzzle game.

Never read the book but I have a feeling this is a not great adaptation. Fun distraction though

It's like a goodfellas but goofier and not as good really.