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June 4, 2024

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Here's another Kirby game I've played a lot as a kid but never beaten til I go older. I'm surprised this one took me a while, honestly.

Going over my thoughts on the individual games before going on my thoughts on the whole package.

Spring Breeze - Basically a Super Nintendo remake of Kirby's Dream Land on Game Boy. There's notable differences, like the game being even SHORTER than KDL, which honestly isn't a big deal considering it's a small part of a larger package. It's a neat addition overall, and now with the addition of copy abilities, it makes the game more interesting.

Gourmet Race - This is def in my top 3 in the collection. It's very addicting and the music is simply iconic. Dedede is kind of a pushover, though. You're more likely going to really play this more to beat your high score or you time.

Dyna Blade - This is really where the meat of the game starts to show. It's new levels and you get access to way more copy abilities here compared to Spring Breeze. It's very short & sweet, and the game doesn't really give you a hard time at all. Def better than Spring Breeze IMO.

Samurai Kirby - This is a really neat expansion of Sheriff Kirby from Adventure but with a Japanese theme instead. There's not a lot to this one, but that's kinda the point. It's a neat game to really just test your reflexes.

Megaton Punch - This is probably my least favorite of the entire package. Like Samurai Kirby, there's not a lot to this one, but really once you figure out what you're supposed to do, you're never going to lose unless you just really suck.

Great Cave Offensive - I'm a little torn on this one. I'm not really big on Metroidvanias, especially ones where the goal is to find random shit, but you're never actually REQUIRED to get everything and you can even just ignore the treasures and just play the game like a kirby game. I had a lot of fun with it though and the general design and structure of it reminded me a lot of Super Smash Bros Brawl's Great Maze (which believe it or not I enjoyed a lot). The general layout is more non linear than your traditional kirby levels while still having pretty linear rooms thrown in. You're almost never really going the wrong way in this game, which I appreciate a lot. I didn't get every treasure here, but I wasn't really planning on it. I got a majority of them though. I will say a couple of the bosses here gave me quite a bit of trouble, especially that last fight with...whatever that is. I might as well mention it here cuz it confuses me the most here, but I really don't get why lives are in this game. Lives don't change anything they're not gonna change where you respawn at. It's not an ISSUE or anything, I just rly have to question their addition.

Revenge of Meta Knight - Again, I'm noticing similarities between this and Brawl's Subspace, but it's a lot less apparent. I guess it doesn't help that both games have the Halberd involved. This isn't really much different than something like Dyna Blade, and honestly I didn't enjoy it as much as I did Dyna Blade. The levels I recall being pretty short and really the timer didn't change a whoooole lot about how you play. Towards the end, though, it gets very interesting and I enjoyed the fight with Meta Knight. The escape sequence was kinda cool, too, but pretty easy.

Milky Way Wishes - This was my favorite of the collection. Replacing getting copy abilities traditionally with having an inventory of copy abilities is a really freaking cool idea. Being able to switch up copy abilities on the fly for whatever situation you're in is way more fun and I really really wish the series did more of this (or maybe it does and I'm just not aware). Being able to have an ally of your choice at any time is also pretty cool too, even if they're not super useful in this game. It reuses quite a bit from the other games, notably the bosses, but there are some pretty unique parts of this games. Like with great cave, the bosses gave me some shit, especially the RPG boss rematch. The fight with Marx was pretty similar to the fight with Nightmare in Adventure but without the Star Wand. A lot of his attacks felt similar to Nightmares and idk how I feel about that. Pretty tough fight too, honestly. It's pretty easy to miss copy abilities, though. I ended the game with having not too many, barring the ones that are easy to find and I did have most of the essentials you'd need.

The Arena - It's just a boss rush mode. I didn't really get much into this one.

Yes, I'm aware Super Star Ultra exists and no I'm not really interested in trying it out right now. I prefer the 16 bit artstyle anyway.

Overall, this game was excellent. The sheer quality jump and how smooth this game is makes the experience way more fun IMO. Being the third game Sakurai developed, you can def see a lot of the influence this had for his future projects. Back then, this game was a great value package. 8 games for the price of 1, but the sheer quality of these helped the game stand the test of time as one of the Super Famicom's greatest.