This is a game that I hold near and dear to my heart. I got it when I was around 10 or 11 for Christmas morning, and I played...most of it. I never actually beat the game until high school, and never completed it until now. This game reminds me the most of what I love about video games: gameplay that feels like a dream to master and control, a setting that you can get lost in, a score that immerses you into the world and sways your emotion, and an escape from a trying world that does its best to hammer us down. This game is my favorite of all time because it's a piece of media that has influenced me in my childhood and in my currently blossoming adulthood. I won't lie and say tears were shed when I beat the game not only because it holds such heavy nostalgia, but it also is a complete vision and package that everyone and I mean EVERYONE should play at least once in their lifetime. What else can I say? It's fantastic. Give it a shot when you get the chance.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
