I have grown up with the LEGO series, with most of my attachment going to Lego Star Wars III, the Marvel series, Lego Batman 2 and 3, the Lego Movie videogame and Dimensions. These games are easy to pick up and play and are great co-op games for younger siblings. I have a lot of love and nostalgia for this series, but even with that discarded I feel like some of the magic is gone with this game. The humor is in tact, especially in the sequel trilogy because it's a lot easier to make fun of, and the gameplay is pretty solid. However, the combat, although it's been overhauled and given a lot of bells and whistles, is really easy to dumb down to "blast them in the head" and "spam lightsaber throw." While combat was very simple in the older games, it worked in its simplicity. If everything is simple, nothing is. Meanwhile, they integrate a bunch of different gimmicks and ideas, so it feels worse because you find the broken move and just use that repeatedly, and it feels worse because of that. You spammed in the older games, but that was all you could do. The lack of a character creator really hurts as the Star Wars series pioneered that part of the LEGO games even when other subseries left it behind. The open world hubs are impressive, especially in size and scale. The visuals are really solid, the voice acting is okay (but you can switch it to the mumbles from the old games so that's cool), and there's a ton of collectibles and side quests. I just don't think I'd be interested in coming back to this any time soon unfortunately.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
