1 review liked by CapnMack

The most complicated takashi miike filmography advertisement I've ever played.

Combat imo is an improvement over the rest of the series, it takes a lot more from it's other companions in the character action game genre. It's no DMC, and it still falls into the trapps of many other character action games where it's a lot of mash a button and then perfect dodge when you're going to get it, but I had fun all the way through. You have more moves than NMH1/2 despite only having one weapon and options and it held up by solid enemy design (something NMH1/2 really lacked) and fun bosses to cap them it out.

That being said, I dont like the changes to how you progress the game in this one. In NMH1/2 it was do minigames/short missions to get money for next ranked battle in the overworld > do level > boss fight, but NMH3 skips the level part for more mini missions an expanded overworld. Infact, almost all non boss enemies are found exclusively in these mini missions. Despite its increased size, the overworld is surprisingly bland and underused. Things like Perfect World, a very standard white suburban neighborhood, sounds like a great set piece for a character like Travis, but none of the zones are really used for anything other than traveling and doing mini missions.

Graphically the game is also surprisingly dated looking for a 2021. The overworld generally runs at a miserable framerate (the actual combat segments run super solid tho, which I can only assume involved selling some poor intern's soul), almost every cutscene you'll be seeing textures load in, and even when everything's running as they want it's not fantastic on a graphical fidelity level.

But you dont play NMH for graphical fidelity. You play it for style, and the game is oozing in it. My switch screencaps are filled with screenshots of the Kill! streams and the game has fantastic character designs, ect ect. It's a cool game.

Fights and a lot of story beats are fantastic and get really weird. Every time I thought I knew what was gonna happen the game through me for a loop. Also, I cant give an example because every single one borders on spoiler territory. If you plan on getting this game I highly, highly recommend trying to go completely blind, because you will like it more if you don't know how suda's gonna fuck with you.

NMH3, like the franchise, is flawed, but I think this is my favorite out of the 3. It's by far my favorite to play, and the way the game fucks with your expectations rules, the entire ending section of this game actually blew me away. Like the rest of the franchise, my mind makes me want to put it at the 3 star range, but I liked it more than a 3 star game.

Also, yes you have to play Travis Strikes Back. It's not negotiable. This game is a sequel to TSA, not a sequel to NMH2.