2 reviews liked by Captain_Anubis

This is the rare-ish special edition of D that was released for the 3DO back in the day. The base game is largely the same, though it does feature some extended and reworked cutscnese that look a fair bit better than their original counterparts. You can also unlock a secret trailer for the unreleased version of D2 for the Panasonic M2.

It's the bonus disc that holds a lot more of the interesting stuff, like trailers, dubs for different languages, a scene comparison thingy (where you can see what changes were made to which cutscenes), and even a small visual novel companion piece (which has been translated online, if you are wondering).

If you aren't fond of D, this isn't gonna change your mind, but as a WARP ENTHUSIAST, this was a really neat little package.

(IIRC, this is also one of the two games Fumito Ueda worked on at WARP before joining Sony to make Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, which is neat!)

This game was a huge part of my childhood right here. When it comes to God games, Black&White is where it's at.

This game was very innovative and is one of the more ambitious titles of Peter Molyneux at the time. Albeit being a Molyneux title, it has a lot of missing content and flaws, because of his annoying bad habit of over promising during game announcements.

Nevertheless, this game still has a lot to offer and excels at making you play and FEEL like a God. The main selling point of this game was the possibility for the player to act either as a Benevolent, Neutral or Diabolical God. Your actions and choices have lasting consequences on the world and your overall divine appearance and environments will visually reflect your alignment (similarly to FABLE, another one of Molyneux's games).

Again, it is a Molyneux title, therefore it has a lot of interesting, and sometimes questionable elements. However, it was made in an era of experiments in gaming. An era full of interesting concepts and ideas to be tried and released on the market.

It's a game from a golden time in gaming, a time that many of us miss dearly. I definitely recommend trying it out at least if you like exploring retro gaming in general.

This game used to be sold on GOG, but was then removed a couple years ago because of disputes on Lionhead's rights being owned by EA. So unfortunately there is no official way to acquire this game as of 2024. You can either buy a copy from Ebay or download the full thing here on Abandonware.com and find a fanmade patch to make the game work on modern systems:
