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Artistic triumph. The atmosphere surrounds you from the first moments of the game, and grow with every step of the way. The fear you feel is real, from the danger your put in, the subtle animations of your character, and the growing understanding of the stakes of the world. This is a game that tells a complex, compelling, and harrowing story without saying a word. Of course, that leads to some who say that none of what you're seeing truly means anything, since by the end it doesn't form a cohesive narrative or easy metaphor. But I feel like actual art requires work on the part of the audience to create their own meaning out of imagery, emotion, and symbolism.

This game contains heavy themes, and depictions of child death (in multiple visceral manners). While I'd recommend this game to anyone, please take warning.

By far my favorite FromSoft release, Dark Souls is always best when it lets you off the tight leash it typically holds on you. However, one must always caveat praise for FromSoft games by saying that they are as fun as you are good at them. Your first game will only ever be retroactively fun, and your most recent game will always be your best experience.

You'll start out scared. Then, the fear will turn to stress. The stress wells up into anger. The anger boils into rage. Finally, the rage cools off down to apathy. Never play this stupid fucking game.