Log Status






Time Played

22h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 7, 2024

First played

January 31, 2024

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

Despite many players concerns, I believe the remaster for PS5 has improved on the original PS3 and PS4 experiences.

Visually, Naughty Dog impress once again with their excellent visual style and graphical fidelity. The characters look authetical and the locales are beautifully imagined.

The story has always been praised however, I find myself struggling with the story and concepts it puts forward. Notably the ending when controlling Joel and going on his rampage in the hospital. As a player I did not agree with his actions which made playing the section feel jarring and uncomfortable, if this was naughty dogs intention then I commend their ability to control my feelings in that way.

The story touches on feelings of family and finding your place in a broken world which whilst typical of post-apocolypse media, the connections you witness forming between Joel and Ellie provide a unique view on the events.

Ellie provides a positive representation of young women and the moments spend in her gamepla allow for positive identifcation. This is amplifiied in the DLC which allows her sexuality to be represented in a mainstream piece of fiction.

Gameplay is reasonably standard with third person survival mechanics with some short exploration sections. The game would massively benefit from some more enemy variety as it did start to get stale toward the end.