In parallel to finishing my 100% run in BotW, and only days before TotK gets leaked released, I squeezed in my long delayed jump into Twilight Princess. I just noticed it took me three months to finish this, I stretched out my gaming sessions way too much. Consequently, I feel like my review would be a little too skewed, consciously afraid of consuming too much Zelda and getting to TotK with dreaded Hylian fatigue.

But man, is this entry of the franchise weird. I can see that it is generally agreed that it has a problem with pacing, with a very slow and pained beginning; and the character design is, let's say, bold at least. I am not a big fan of the loli stuff they decided to go with for Midna as Link's companion, nor I am really invested in most of the other secondary characters, with the great exception of the yeti couple.

The game shines, however, in its second half, when the player gains momentum after a few dungeons. There is room for epicness (and for OoT fanservice) with no compromise on worldbuilding. The soundtrack is definitely a blast and the gameplay has a few interesting things that make TP worth trying even after playing later entries of the franchise first (sword techniques, for instance).

In summary, it is not going to be my favorite Zelda game but I appreciate the risks taken. Now giff TotK ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023
