The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

released on Mar 04, 2016

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

released on Mar 04, 2016

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is a Wii U enhanced remaster of the original game. It features graphical upgrades from the original version, higher resolution and minor gameplay changes.

Also in series

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

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Gostei muito, a história com um tom um pouco mais pesado casou muito bem com a estética. Não gostei muito que a Zelda meio que não participa da história direito, mas o resto dos personagens não deixam de ser cativantes da sua maneira, principalmente a midna.
A música eu não sei dizer muito pois não gostei tanto quanto eu pensava. Os gráficos são bem datados pra 2010, mas tem um certo charme na minha opinião. A mensagem de mesmo em períodos sombrios achar a luz e não solta-la é muito linda e acho que fizeram um bom trabalho retratando isso nesse mundo. Não fui pro 100% pois acho que só ia odiar o jogo, to feliz com o que eu fiz.
Única coisa que eu odiei foi a movimentação do link, mas eu deveria esperar isso de Zelda 3D antigo.

Had never played TP before. It's pretty good, great music and atmosphere, some really good dungeons. Never really felt like I was lost or didn't know where to go. Horseback sections were awful lol, that goes for the escort and the Ganondorf fight.
I feel like this is what Okami should have been.

me fez lembrar o quanto a franquia Zelda é simplesmente foda.
final bem mais ou menos mas a experiência em si é fantastica, peak videogame

Traveling around is a little tedious, but it has some of the best dungeons in the series.

Twilight Princess is simply, in my opinion, unquestionably one of the best games in one of the best franchises in the medium.

I have a two very minor complaints that I will quickly hit on so that I can sing the games praises for the rest of the review. First the tutorial is incredibly too long. It isn’t straight up awful on an initial play through but I can see this being extremely annoying in repeat play throughs. Secondly, this is just a personal preference, I wasn’t the biggest fan in the world of the extended sections of when you are Wolf Link. When you are switching back and forth between Link and Wolf Link it was nice and I never minded using him in wolf form. But during the first few dungeons when you can’t choose when you swap, I felt like some of the Wolf Link sections drug on just a touch too long leaving me itching to go back to normal Link.

That’s it for the bad though and like I said they aren’t really negatives just minor gripes. On to the praises.

Hands down Twilight Princess has the best lineup of dungeons in any Zelda game. Arbiters Grounds, Snow Peak Fortress, and City in the Sky are all S tier temples in the franchise. It also has in my opinion the best opening dungeon in the series as well as the best setting of a temple in the Temple of Time. Perhaps the best way to sing the praises of this games dungeons is my two least favorite (Goron Mines and Lakebed Temple) would be in the upper half of every other Zelda games dungeons. Not only are the dungeons great but most of the bosses were great as well.

Another thing that this game boasts as the best in the series is your companion, Midna. Many times I find the companion for Link obnoxious and annoying however I fell in love with Midna immediately and was hoping that she would get a happy ending. I absolutely love her and she is a top tier Zelda character for me.

I love the world in this game as well. The character, how the world slowly keeps expanding, it feels like a legitimate lived in kingdom. I’m not sure if it is my favorite version of Hyrule but it’s near the top for sure.

The art in this game is beautiful. I love the enemy designs and a lot of the art revolving around the twilight realm. The music isn’t the best in the series but it’s still beautiful classic Zelda beauty. The two by far coolest musical moments for me were playing OoTs music playing upon entering the temple of time and playing a Link to the Pasts Hyrule Castle classic track upon first entering Hyrule Castle. It made me smile and have nostalgia goosebumps on both occasions.

I loved the items in this game as well. We have all the classic items but the double claw hook shot, the underused but understandably hard to use a lot beyblade spinner, and the ball and chain were some amazing items I loved getting to use.

I wish would have played this game along time ago because this is one I would have been replaying for years now. If your like me and missed the bus on this hurry up and get on cause this is 100% a must play game. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to another game I missed on in this franchise, Wind Waker.

I started a my Zelda ranked list:

Oh and it easily made its way into the top 100