I loved DS3 and Sekiro, however I very much despised Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1&2. With the announcement of Elden Ring I had so much hype for it, especially after trying out Sekiro and the enjoyment I had with. I was wondering how they would go above Sekiro...Spoiler alert: they didn't.

It's very obvious that Fromsoft took the safe path which is to just make another Dark Souls game, but make it you're able to jump, ride on a horse and make it an open world game... I wouldn't mind any of that if the game was like Dark Souls 3 (good bosses, fast gameplay, memorable OSTs).

[Gameplay -/+]
Compared to DS3 and Sekiro, the gameplay feels slow against enemies and bosses. Which is a big no for me...But compared to DS1 it's 100% better.
The weapons variety and spells is huge, for the first time I actually had so much fun using magic in a Fromsoft game! Using magic is a must in this game to get the full joy I had.
They made it that some bosses attacks can be dodged by just jumping and able to attack while jumping, something that they got inspired from Sekiro that I really like because you can understand the Boss's attacks and ways to use them for your advantage.

[World -] [Atmosphere +]
It's no surprise how enormous the map of Elden Ring is. When it comes to Open World games you need to make sure that the player actually get a proper reward for exploring your world, and not him with a dungeon that the boss gives 2k runes and an item that's no use for. While on the other hand I can just go kill a normal enemy that gives me 2k runes, that's a really bad way to implement open world exploration and rewards.
There are over 100 dungeons in this game and they're all copy paste with most of them having the same bosses over and over, what's worse that sometimes rather than having 1 boss in the room that you killed before now you have 2 of them and sometimes 3. They don't even get good, oh I wish they did.

Atmosphere in this game is fantastic. From time to time I just change my desktop background to one of my Elden Ring's screenshots. My favorite being at night, with the full moon, it's so good.

[Bosses +/-]
(non main rune bosses)
While exploring the world you can find different types of bosses that come out on different times of day, while others stay there not being affected by time. Night Calvary while a boss that comes wondering on night is interesting, yet the way that they just keep on spamming this boss on different areas and just changing the weapon it uses is very lazy. Another boss that comes on Dusk is Deathbird, the design of this boss had picked my interest and the way to find him is actually fun for me... For the first 2 times, then it just get repeated. Like why spam the same bosses? couldn't you make another one? ofcourse those are not the only 2 bosses that I had a bad experience with trying to enjoying them. there are 2-3 more different wondering bosses and all are just bad to be honest. BUT the dungeon bosses... Some of them were good, but 95% of them are copy pasted.
Lets not forget the repeated dungeon bosses too. And the duo/trio versions of them, that are utter garbage in all honesty. They're not fun to fight at all.
(main rune bosses)
I loved Mohg and Morgot (and maybe 2nd phase of Maliketh)...The rest were either garbage or decent. The problem were with either the attacks or just the fight in general wasn't fun for me. Radagon sometimes teleport attack gets so annoying that you get hit from it while trying to do a damn no hit. The Elden Beast goes so far that you need to run to him (reminding me of the Demon of hatred ffs), some fights just feel short or even why did they make them??? The Giant which my god a trash boss with very bad attacks. Malenia was a decent boss if it weren't for the waterfowl dance. Just to clarify the first time I used a shield was against Malenia's waterfowl dance attack and that's it, you might think it's a good game design since I actually used an item, but no it's really annoying.

[OSTs -]
99% of all are bad, except for Mohg's.

[Lore -]
Why make lore if no one's going to understand without watching a youtube video explaining it?

Game's a letdown.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
