Sekiro is the best souls game out there, without any doubt. Just from the addicting gameplay and bosses makes the player hooked to this game, and want to just repeatedly play it because of how good this game was made.

[Gameplay + ]
Gameplay is very satisfying in this game.
Unlike other Fromsoft Souls games, where you use “Souls” to improve your character, which takes no skill to do. In Sekiro it’s all different. You need to be skilled so you can upgrade your character’s attack power, or Vitality. The only way you can upgrade your character is by defeating bosses and by doing so you’ll obtain their “memory”. Having their “memories” not only would make you able to upgrade attack power or vitality, you can also fight the bosses again. That’s something is very useful for people who’re trying to no-hit, or just want to get good in the game. It also can be used to find ways to beat the bosses, for example Genichiro’s “Leaping Slam” attack can be deflected and then he immediately attacks you, but you can actually just step dodge it and go attack him. Thing like these help the players in NG+ to be able to find new strategies to fight the bosses.

Other Souls games you use shield to parry enemy’s attacks, but most of the time you’re not going to use it because it’s very useless in fighting bosses who are not huge/use big weapons that are impossible to parry with shield. In Sekiro, however you are able to deflect/parry/perfect guard the enemy’s attacks (call it whatever you want), you also are able to deflect laser beams… It’s very satisfying to just trade attacks and deflects against the bosses. In this game there’s no “Oh I can get more hit”, you can’t be greedy against bosses because they too will deflect your attacks, meaning it’s going to be their turns to be on attack and you have to deflect them. So, you can’t just focus on attacking or guarding most of the time, the game forces you to do both every time. Which is something that I hated in previous Souls games, that was fixed in Sekiro and able to use the knowledge you gained against bosses/enemies.

There are prosthetic arms that can be used against bosses/enemies. Using them makes the fighting easier, or you can find really addicting combos to use. Like using the spear or the firecracker. Some are useful to no hit certain enemies like Mist Raven’s Feathers arm, that’s used to deflect lightning attacks without taking damage. There are also special Arts that can be equipped and used, fun to use too.
Just listening to the sounds of swords clashing on each other is so good. That it literally feels music to anyone’s ears. 10/10
Overall very fun addition to the game, that’s very useful against many bosses.

[Bosses +/- ]
Oh where do I start? The way the bosses were designed, there attacks, how fun they are to be fought against. They’re so addictive. Literally every boss is different from each other. Genichiro and Isshin are my favorites. Not to forget their inner boss versions where they become harder and more addictive to fight! My god how good these bosses were made and fighting against them cannot give me any slight of boredom. There’s nothing I can add to this. Most of the bosses are splendid and were very good made.
Except for one trash boss, oh boy do you like gimmic bosses? No? well have fun trying to kill 4 stupid monkeys and trying to catch them in your first playthrough of the damn game. Just why did they even add those damn monkeys?? They’re the worst.

Other than that, bosses are good.

[Areas +]
Just reaching certain spots in the game, makes you take a short break and meditate to the view, or the sounds that you hear, either being ambient sounds or the sounds of bells ringing or very soft and relaxing OSTs. It felt very good reaching these kind of spots in the game and relax in my first playthrough of it. Over all very good.

[Lore -/+]
For the first tine in Fromsoft’s history. They have managed to make a story that people can understand without the need of watching a youtube video. Thank you Fromsoft.
But it's not good. really it is not.

[Mini bosses - ]
Trash, all of them. I do not care what anyone says. First playthrough the mini bosses were decent, but the rest of the time they’re just a waste of time to go against. Especially those damn Headless idiots. I do not understand why they had to put 4-5 of these damn idiots.
The only good mini bosses were: Snake Eyes Shirahagi and O’Rin of The Water. That’s it.

[OSTs - ]
They're okay. But sadly they're not as the same level as Dark Souls 3 OSTs. Just comparing both games is very wrong, because Fromsoft threw the OSTs to be a japanese themed. Which is sadly makes it not a memorable game or good to listen to. That's what I feel from my experience.

[Stealth - ]
Oh boy. Stealth in this game is probably one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my entire life… Someone from far away can spot you, while someone who’s close to you cannot even see you. What in the world is this Stealth system? Not to mention that you can literally just kill all enemies by just stealth killing one guy, then run and the rest of the troops forget you, and go stealth kill a second person and then repeat. It’s very boring. So damn lazy.

Sekiro as a game is gorgeous and fantastic, if it weren't from some of the stuff that's in it. I could've said it was THE PERFECT game (just like Lies of P), but sadly there are downsides to the game. Luckily they can be ignored and focus on the main stuff that are fun.


Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024
