Played originally on PS4 but replayed it recently on PC so I could play the DLC Intermission

It is an awesome game, lots of fun, with a good and dynamic battle system that is enjoyable for both turn-based fans and ARPG fans, mostly. It isn't as customizable as I'd want it to be but I mean, you only play the Midgar section of the game, so can't have a lot of materia and a lot of weapons too. They did what they could. The game has a lot of side-quests that are "ok" max, not that engaging and with rewards that, most of the time, are not that worth the drag.

Visually stunning... Until it's not. A lot of textures are plain bad, there are a TON of low-quality PNG backgrounds that could be refined, but 3d models, particles and the cutscenes are terrific.

The story is... Well... Final Fantasy VII with some tweaks here and there. Can't say much without spoilers so I hope Rebirth can light the story some more.

The DLC Intermission is a really nice change of pace in gameplay, narrative style and a bit in exploration too. Yuufie's gameplay is really refreshing. She has all she needs to go through annd does it in a cool Shinobi-like way. The story itself is more of a background of events and some extras (connected to Dirge of Cerberus, that's sick), but the narrative style of that adventure in Yuffie's POV gets a funnier and goofier tone to it. She's the cocky ninja hero that comes to save the day and steal some materia in the process.

Overall, it is a really good game with a solid gameplay and narrative that gets you curious and engaged to it through its stunning visuals and cutscene-gameplay integration. Fine characters (most of 'em) and, obviously, those Final Fantasy BANGERS we all know of.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
