It truly is a shame that this game never did well enough to be localized for the west. Because, with the help of a high-quality fan translation, it becomes apparent that this game has one of the strongest narratives in the series. And, being a sequel to Investigations, has the same quality gameplay, with a few new bells and whistles thrown in!

Now we have Logic Chess, a new “minigame” of sorts where Edgeworth must “battle” against a character in order to find the truth hidden beneath their lies. It’s all in the tone of your opponent’s voice; if they sound flustered, perhaps they’re hiding something? The visuals and music for this minigame are quite nice as well.

The story and its characters have improved since the first Investigations game. The overarching plot feels more personal to Edgeworth, meeting his father’s investigative partner and the leader of the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee. Not only that, the secondary characters this time around are far more memorable, even including some familiar faces like Frank Sahwit or Will Powers. However, I do think that some investigations take a little too long. The first case, which is meant to be the tutorial for each Ace Attorney game, is, at most, around 2 hours long. And that’s if you don’t read all the extra fluff dialogue! Each subsequent case gets longer, so be ready for a marathon of Edgeworth. Though it’s not always a bad thing. The final case is a TRIP, and debuts one of the greatest antagonists in the series (at least in my humble opinion)!

A step up from the first game, though not without its faults. I still thoroughly enjoyed this game, and hope that some day, more fans can experience this game for themselves. If the Apollo Trilogy does well, maaaayybe they’ll do an Investigations Duology?? Yeah, that’s copium, but I will gladly keep hoping anyway!

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2023
