Max Payne 2001

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(Just to mention I am using mods for the older Rockstar games to help them work nicely with my PC. I will try to mention any mods I installed that aren't just making the game work or look nicer or whatever. In GTA III's case I used a save anywhere mod, and in this game's case I used the mod that replaces the apparently broken adaptive difficulty with the mobile version's difficulty.)

I had a lot of fun with this one. I found the story interesting, the game itself very fun, and while I don't remember much of the music, the main theme is an absolute ear worm for me. Though if I were to criticize the game for something...
The lack of subtitles outside of the comic book-esque cutscenes I found a bit annoying because it made it a little hard to understand Max sometimes, the game feels a little too easy (though that's most likely a result of the aforementioned mobile phone difficulty mod and having quick saves thanks to playing the PC version), and I find a few of the puzzles a little too hard to figure out yourself (the final thing for the final boss especially).

Otherwise than those, though, this game is really great.(shame that the PC version (which is probably arguably the best version) requires mods and a frame limiter to work properly))