If this was the first Mimimi game I'd played, I'd probably be a lot more positive to it. The gameplay and controls are as solid as any other and include all the improvements that came with Desperados 3. But as a continuation of this "series", I'm not thrilled. Instead of huge maps, we now get smaller maps that we only visit a fraction of in each mission. It's a lot easier than the other games, something I'm guessing comes from the fact that you can here play with any character you choose and each mission has to be completable with them. So a lot of the design that was in the previous games is sorely lacking here. It all feels so generic and almost randomly generated. And there's way to much faff going on between the missions. Constantly walking from character to character to talk to them and progress a story I care nothing about. All I wanted was about 9 huge missions that were designed with your set loadout in mind. Instead I got almost the complete opposite. As far as the genre goes, they still know what they're doing, I just don't hope this is the direction their games will follow in the future. At least just keep it to this franchise and give us a Desperados 4 that's more like its prequel than this.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2023


8 months ago

I think I agree - I adore Shadow Tactics and Desperados 3, and while I think Shadow Gambit is very well made and I enjoyed the time I spent on it, it's definitely much more hollow of an experience. ST and D3 had so much variety in their mission structure and the limited unit selection made sure each level was tailored to their abilities. In Shadow Gambit, pretty much all the maps feel the same and they're reused ad-nauseam so it starts feeling stale very quickly. Actually unbelievable the enemy placement is the same across night and day missions - are the Captain's Test missions seriously the only time they remix the enemy placement? Cuz like, you could help with the repetition with that and they don't even do that lmao

8 months ago

Yeah. The enemy placement is another issue. I've been replaying some missions now, and approaching from another side at times. In certain places you can take out everyone without anyone noticing it seems, because the encounter is designed for you approaching it from the other side. And certain skills/characters can make some situations a cake walk, like using pinkus and just walking up to one after another and posessing them. Still very sad that this turned out to be their last game though, I wanted Desperados 4 more than anything. I guess stealth just doesn't sell.