As a remake, Dead Space is fantastic, more so than even Resident Evil 2. It improves what is needed and keeps the rest. It's been a decade since I last played it, but it feels exactly as how I remembered it, including visuals that in line with my impressions of it at the time. The gameplay however reminded me of why I never pursued the series past the first. The really close camera with fairly stiff controls and the persistently dark surroundings doesn't mesh well with enemies that pop out of everywhere and are often faster than the player. It gets frustrating. And on top of that the sound design is constantly blaring. Either with tense music or noises of enemies that often aren't even there. I get why a horror game has this, but it also wears on you when you constantly have look in every direction even when backtracking. And in zero gravity it becomes downright awful as there's no indicator of where the enemies are, not even the sound really works to pinpoint them. Have the music relax if noting's there and if there's a sound of a creature it should be in play. And everything you do kind of feels like filler. A lot of technobabble as you go from one broken contraption to the nest and you have to fix it by going to every area in that specific sector. It really feels like doing the exact same thing over and over.

The look of the game is perfect for what it's recreating and there are no issues there. But whatever engine or graphics tweaks they use to make this run is another thing. A lot of textures will switch between the usual high res and some pixelated mess. And it doesn't seem to have to do with distance from the camera or even the texture as a whole, but rather blotches here and there. Some times even the models themselves seem to vanish in parts into some low res nightmare in parts. I tried different settings, but couldn't really pinpoint it. But I expect it has o do with DLSS, and it's another reason as to why that shouldn't exist in the first place.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2023
