Never that much of a fan of these games, especially since I'm not competent in the DnD system it's built on, but this really grew on me despite a LOT of annoyances. It's mainly my lack of knowledge of DnD rules that annoy, but a lot of smaller things also get in the way. Like how I chose a rogue for my main character, but stealth didn't really work out. A lot of characters I tried to sneak up on would just initiate a cutscene and ruin it and in general the whole luck base of it all isn't great for stealth. Or how after a successful pickpocket, people will still blame you for it and you have to pay them or win another dice roll. The dice rolls in general are pretty dumb, making so many skills just based on luck. With most of my magic never going above 60% in hit rate and healing is pathetic, making it so my whole game was almost completely melee. And that's another annoyance with the class I picked, I get one attack per round, while my warrior can get up to 7, making it no real reason not to just make a party of 4 warriors. The list goes on really with these complains throughout, but none the less, I completed it in little over a week or so and got a lot of enjoyment out of it too. And a big reason as to why I'm not rating it lower is that if I did the research beforehand, I probably would have had a lot more fun.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
