I'm sorry to everyone out there who will call me a heathen, but I just don't have the time for a game where I can lose potentially hours of playtime because of an arbitrary limit on how many times you can save your progress.

I know that this game is good, and I love me some horror, but I don't understand why I should have to potentially never finish this game just because of the high difficulty and unforgiving save system.

I want to enjoy this game so bad, but if the save system was better, I honestly would; Silent Hill lets you save as many times as needed, and at least when you lose your progress due to the difficulty on Dark Souls, the game automatically saves AND you can regain everything you dropped. If you die on this game, you gain literally nothing and lose everything - that is not a system that makes me want to come back for more, it is frustrating and makes me want to quit.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2020


3 years ago

Bruh there's like 20 ink ribbons and the game is 8 hours long.

3 years ago

Ah yes but what you have not considered is that I am very very bad at this game lmaoo