This game fucking sucks lol. I played it last year after I bought 1.5+2.5 ReMix because I was excited to get into the series after hearing such good things about it from my friends and I was immensely disappointed with this game.

The first two hours were honestly a nice time. It has a bit of a slow start but I appreciate it a lot as we get to know the main characters and their relationships before the plot gets going. All the characters are likable, the combat was fun to use, I'm one of the three people who actually likes the Gummi ship and in my opinion, Wonderland is a great introductory stage. Sure some may say it's a bit too box like and claustrophobic for them which is fair, but I see the art direction and set design to be creative and visually interesting enough where I don't really mind or notice it. Except for like that one part where you in that garden or when you're fighting that one Heartless. But all in all, I enjoyed my first two hours of KH1.

But then after Wonderland is when the game's problems really started to weigh on me and make the game not fun. Leveling up is incredibly tedious with only one stat being upgraded which is incredibly bizarre, counter intuitive and stupid for an action RPG in my opinion. None of the Disney worlds are at all fun or engaging to me in either from an art direction or gameplay standpoint. They're either abhorrent to control like Atlantica or fucking boring like Neverland. And then there's Mount Olympus that isn't even a world and more like a fucking glorified gauntlet which is so goddamn lame because I would've loved to explore MOUNT FUCKING OLYMPUS WHERE LITERAL GODS LIVE. The late game sucks massive fucking cock because this game goes on forever. It never wants to fucking end. And so many of the late game bosses are total fucking dickheads. It legit took me two and a half hours to beat Chernabog that guy is a cunt and a half (I was playing on Final Mix difficulty if anyone is wondering). And for as bullshit as he was, you'd expect Ansem to be harder right? I beat him first try. That bitch was a total joke.


Reviewed on Apr 11, 2023
