Decided to download the game because they add Rika, my favorite Pokémon character, to the game.

The game seems interesting with being able to battle and team up with all the famous trainers from all the game. However, it is plagued by the curse of being a mobile game. Tons of unnecessary and long updates and constant pop up notifications. Could barely even play the game. It got so annoying to where I just deleted the game.

Whether you're a PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox or PC fanboy, can we all agree that mobile gaming is the worse? Thank you.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2024


10 days ago

Yes. We love Rika

9 days ago

I'm 100% with you about gacha/mobile live service being absolute crap by default and nature. But if the base games are goods, I'd go consider that as's why I feel this still sounds like a 2 stars rather than an aggravating 0.5/5 imo.

8 days ago

@Nickakyoin Perhaps, but if a game drives me the point where I "rage" quit, I consider that the very bottom of the barrel. That's the reason why Heavenly Bodies is my least favorite game right now.