One of the more fun roguelikes I have played in recent memory. The art style and direction are amazing and the music is stellar. The game's presentation is extremely well done and has a ton of charm to it. The gameplay is pretty kinetic and moving around as a ball with weapons is pretty smooth albeit some hiccups with how levels are designed. The economy is pretty well tuned and getting ability, weapon, and trait upgrades never feels grindy, which is good considering how much stuff there is to unlock. Moment to moment gameplay is very fun, I just wish the "build" aspect was a bit more appealing. I never really felt like I had to think about what upgrades and weapons I wanted to get since there's clearly a hierarchy of what is better than what. Stuff doesn't "synergize" as much as they cram together to make something.

Overall though, it's a fun time!

A very fun and thrilling 2D Beat Em Up with an entertaining story and badass music. The weight and impact behind attacks are quite satisfying and the enemy placements in the later half of the game create a lot of exciting and demanding setpieces. Chaining together moves and linking abilities was always fun to pull off and figure out. It's a great time!

I've often wondered why we haven't seen more First Person Parkour games since Mirror's Edge and Dying Light made their marks. I was pretty excited for this game and it was a fun enough time. The movement system was weird at first, but I was able to learn it within 10 minutes or so. It's a pretty short game(I beat it in an hour) and there's a decent amount of replayability. The biggest hurdle the game has is some of the levels aren't that interesting in terms of verticality and pathways. Even though you are encouraged to make your own path, some levels are pretty linear with not much going on and the game's mechanics aren't robust enough to really push the game to its' limits. For a 2 man dev team, this is a solid game and I hope they add more to it in the future.

I didn't know this game was a decade old. But it recently came to PC and quickly won me over with its' charm and creativity. It's a very simplistic puzzler game that's super addicting. It was hard for me to pull away from it at times with how short and satisfying the games are. The soundtrack is great too.

Not much I can add to the conversation about this game at this point in time. It's the most exciting and thrilling multiplayer experience I've had since the days of Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, and Halo. It's the perfect mix of Starship Troopers, Lost Planet, and Earth Defence Force with its own satirical charm that works perfectly. The live service approach is pretty tasteful and the game's updates are always exciting. I can't wait to see how the game evolves from here. My only gripes with it are that it is an online-only game (I own a physical copy of it), so if the servers go down, I can't play it. (Suicide Squad AND Helldivers 2 in the same month, both of which have physical editions. This trend needs to die.) And the other gripe being that trying to play with friends through crossplay is a NIGHTMARE since it bugs out when we try to invite or send friend requests to each other.

Otherwise, amazing game.

This game underwhelms in a lot of departments. Narrative, Boss Fights, Mission Variety, and a satisfying conclusion to the main campaign. The "Kill The Justice League" tagline never lives up to its' potential. The Live Service component feels incredibly detrimental to the game's vision and feels like it resulted in a lot of compromises that are sorely felt when playing in the second half of the campaign. And the monetization in this game is outright insulting. WB is easily the most out-of-touch and scummy game company in the industry at the moment.

That being said though, there is a lot I do like about the game. The visuals and presentation are absolutely nuts. The voice acting is tremendous, the writing at times is very good, 90% of these characters have never looked better in all of their years of existence, including the likes of Wonder Woman, Superman, King Shark, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang. Despite not spending much time with them, this version of the Justice League left a great impression on me and I hope to see more of them in the future. The city of Metropolis is one of the most vertical and gorgeously hand-crafted concrete jungles I have ever had the pleasure of exploring. I was so amazed at times, I would stop and just walk around to soak the city in. It's a real shame that there are no actual side missions to do in this game outside of Riddler Challenges and Affiliate Missions. A huge missed opportunity to tell more stories about this unique situation.

In regards to gameplay, this is the most fun looter shooter I have ever played. It's not the best looter I have played (Borderlands 2 is still the king) due to a lack of content like missions and enemy types as well as character kits feeling a bit barebones at the moment. But the act of flying around and shooting as the 4 characters rarely got old. Traversal is so much fun and shooting shit and watching number go up make monkey brain happy. I played 50+ hours of this game solo before the feeling of monotony started to settle in, and that's because I already unlocked all of the endgame loot. So as of right now, there's nothing to do until Season 1 drops next month.

I totally understand the negativity around this game, but I had a really good time with it and it is a game that I will be coming back to when new seasons drop with new characters, missions, loot, bosses, and especially story stuff. I also am interested to see how the game improves over time as well. The story of this game is not over yet and I am really interested to see how it wraps up in the coming years. If it gets the chance to, that is.

Last note, do not buy this at $70. Wait until it's around $35 or below in a few months. The game should be much better and have a lot more to do and earn by then.

Everything about this game is peak Tekken. The Story Mode is the best ever for a fighting game, there's a lot of single-player stuff to do. The visuals, character models, and stages are top-notch.

32 characters at launch is a huge deal since most fighting games not named King of Fighters or Smash Bros come out with roster sizes under 20 or so characters. Every character has some pretty sick stuff about them, so it's always rewarding to master a character and understand them inside and out before moving on to a new one. I have had so much fun labbing Lee, Hwoarang, and Law. And I can't wait to add more characters to my arsenal.

The fighting itself is the most aggressive and kinetic it has ever been and even though I think the Heat system is definitely overly oppressive at the moment, it leads to a lot of natural excitement. One of my main concerns when Heat was first shown off was that it would create artificial hype. But in motion, it is a very exciting twist on the Tekken Formula and each character using Heat in different ways makes every match you play a super stressful one.

The online in my experience has been great. It's so nice to have a Tekken game with adequate netplay since every Tekken before this one has had really poor online. I think it needs some tweaks for how it handles packet loss, but aside from that, it's been very smooth and I love how little downtime there is in between matches.

The music is pretty good too. Nowhere near the levels of Tekken 3, 4, 5, Tag 2, or 7, but a handful of memorable tracks. Thankfully, they have a fully functioning Jukebox system this time around and being able to select tracks from different games and map them to stages and menus is a blessing. I hope more fighting games take cues on how Tekken, KOF, and Smash utilize the jukebox.

My only nitpicks are the VFX and SFX during matches. They are good, but coming off of T7, 8's effects are a downgrade IMO. A lot of the hit effects have the same boom effect that sounds like it has been overly compressed, so a lot of characters don't have much of a sonic identity anymore. Some of the voice direction for characters is kind of off too, like Steve being a cartoony British mascot and Zafina not shrieking when using her Azazel powers. And I personally loved the concussive, pyrotechnic VFX from T7 and the ones in T8 are cool enough, but don't feel nearly as impactful.

This is the full package when it comes to fighting games. It's extremely polished, very fun, lots to do, functioning online, very little load times, and I cannot wait to see how this game evolves over the next several years. Out of the big 3(SF, MK, Tekken) of FG's that have been released recently, this one is my favorite of the bunch. What a time to be a fighting game fan.