It's honestly surpising to me how a game with this many compounded issues manages to be this fun to play.

The hitboxes are questionable at best, a lot of secrets are ludicrous to find, sometimes level design consists of enemies literally falling from the sky on your head, and the camera pans so slowly towards you somettimes that it makes running a liability.

Despite all of that, this game controls amazingly, and aside from the questionable enemy placement at times, its level design complements it greatly. It fills me with the same sort of excitement as Sonic games, being super fun to complete stages over and over again, despite having gotten everything in it already.

Speaking of "getting everything on a stage", don't, 101% is pretty superfluous in this entry, all you get from it are extra lives, which don't get saved and are reset to 5 every time you start the game back up. And at times going for completion actively sours the experience due to the beforementioned ludicrous secrets. It is strongly recommended that you play this game any%.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
